2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD

$887,500.00 CAD
2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD
2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD
2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD
2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD
2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD
2023 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac Tractor 4WD


  • Engine Hours: 423.0

Options / Details

A list of options and details specific to the piece of equipment listed for sale on this page.

  • *STEIGER 580 TK AFS C.
  • *HHP,LuxCab,PS,QT / Selecting a Package will remove Custom premium price / / Includes: / / Luxury Cab, PowerDrive, Quadtrac / / Engine Brake, Cold Weather Starting Aid, Front Bumper weight, / True Ground Speed Radar, RH armrest , AFS Pro 1200, / High Capacity Hydraulic Pump, Power Beyond Supply and Return, / Performance Lighting, Dual Beacon, LED Cab Roof Worklights, / Luxury Performance Cab / / Selectable Options: *Some selections are LIMITED for choice* / Tracks, / PTO, Hitch, Drawbar, Rea *HHP,LuxCab,PS,QT / Selecting a Package will remove Custom premium price / / Includes: / / Luxury Cab, PowerDrive, Quadtrac / / Engine Brake, Cold Weather Starting Aid, Front Bumper weight, / True Ground Speed Radar, RH armrest , AFS Pro 1200, / High Capacity Hydraulic Pump, Power Beyond Supply and Return, / Performance Lighting, Dual Beacon, LED Cab Roof Worklights, / Luxury Performance Cab / / Selectable Options: *Some selections are LIMITED for choice* / Tracks, / PTO, Hitch, Drawbar, Rear Remotes, Parallell Flow Hyd, / Autoguidance, Connectivity, Telematics
  • *AFS VECTORPRO BASE / AFS VectorPro - GPS Receiver / WAAS Ready / capable of running AFS 1 with applicable subscription
  • *AFS Pro 1200, Double Mount / 12 INCH DISPLAY WITH DOUBLE MOUNTING
  • *PCM 4G Canada / 4G P&CM controller for Canadian or LIMITED USA Market / AT&T SIM / This device is the only option for Canadian markets, and should / also be ordered for USA markets that have poor or no Verizon / cellular coverage
  • *TEL 5YR SUB FT RDY / 5 YR ADVANCED / includes 2-way file transfer, Remote Display Viewing, Remote / Service Support Remote Software Updates (RSU)
  • *Luxury Technology Cab / Includes all features listed in standard features plus the following: / - Red and Tan leather **POSITIVE RESPONSE** heated and / ventilated / seat / - Slide out lower cushion with height and length adjustment / - Red and Tan leather instructional seat / - Leather wrapped steering wheel / - Leather wrapped armrest / - Carpet floor mat / - A post display mount / - roof mounted mirrors with Electric arm Adjustment / - 1 front Grille and 1 rear roof mounted camera (displays *Luxury Technology Cab / Includes all features listed in standard features plus the following: / - Red and Tan leather **POSITIVE RESPONSE** heated and / ventilated / seat / - Slide out lower cushion with height and length adjustment / - Red and Tan leather instructional seat / - Leather wrapped steering wheel / - Leather wrapped armrest / - Carpet floor mat / - A post display mount / - roof mounted mirrors with Electric arm Adjustment / - 1 front Grille and 1 rear roof mounted camera (displays in Pro 1200)
  • *PERFORMANCE PLUS ROOF HP / For models 500, 540, 580, and 620 high power wheeled tractors / Includes all lights in the Preformance Lighting Package (449678) / PLUS 360 ROOF PACKAGE / 6 LED cab roof work lights, mounted in pairs on each side of the / cab and two front facing roof mounted lights.
  • *Less HID work lights / Less light extension
  • *Dual Beacon Light / Dual LED Beacon lights / Mounting brackets installed at the factory, lights shipped in cab for / dealer installation.
  • *AFS ACCU TURN / AFS ACCU-Turn PRO / This allows for one "button push" headland turning for perfect / turns on every pass. / Each turn can be selected automatically or manually to provide the / best solution to make the shortest, most consistent, turns.
  • *Cold Weather Starting Aid Pack / Consists of 120V, 1500W engine block coolant heater and / transmission oil heat maintainer.
  • *Engine Compression Brake / Includes control system and factory installed engine brake. / Recommended for large tow behind Implements, grain carts / and slurry tankers
  • *Std Less Drive Wheel scrapers / Std less drive wheel scraper
  • *True Ground Speed Sensor / Provides radar measurement of ground speed to aid in accurate / application of chemicals and other speed sensitive operations. / (Required to monitor fuel usage, area covered, fuel usage per / acre, area covered per hour, distance covered, distance covered / per minute, slip control and slip limit control)
  • *Backup warning alarm
  • *No hydraulic trailer brakes
  • *High Capacity Drawbar / without 3 pt Hitch (2" drawbar pin diameter with 11,000 lb. / vertical tongue weight capacity) / Ground clearance 19.6" / width 5" / thickness 2.5" / pin size 2”
  • *2 PUMPS SMART TORQUE / Twinflow Hydraulics with Smart Torque Technology / Recommended for high volume, constant flow hydraulics / such as air seeders. / For 580 and 620 only / For AG use only
  • *Less high-flow hydraulic pump / Cat III Conversion Kit
  • *6 ELECTIC REMOTES / 6 spool hydraulic valve option with 1/2" ISO couplers on all valves. Electronic control actuation / In-cab electronic flow controls with selectable functions / Includes 6 paddles
  • *Power Beyond Supply and Return / Motor return with 2 hydraulic 3/4 in. couplers and hose tips. / - Hydraulic Supply / - Hydraulic Return / - Load Sensing Signal / - Hydraulic Motor Case Drain
  • *1000 RPM Independent PTO / Power Take - Off 1.75 in (44.5mm) shaft / Powershift only
  • *High CapBar w/ diff lock / Includes hydraulic differential lock
  • *36" ContiTrackman XP+ARMORLUG Reduced vibration in heavy pull low speed applications. See Product Information Piece TA-1472-16 for more information 4 yr Track warranty for AG applications only Travel Speed of 0 to 25 mph
  • *Less Rear Wheel Spacers
  • *Tow cable for HD tractor / Extends to front of tractor. / NOTE: Tow Cable requires tractor be equipped with Front / Bumper Weight (449114 or 449068) / or Grill Protection Plate (449095 or449067).
  • *Std Fuel Tank / Rowtrac 420-500 Total fuel capacity 250 Gal./946 L. / Quadtrac and Quadtrac Scraper / 500 and 540 Total fuel capacity 310 Gal./1173 L. / 580 and 620 Total fuel capacity 470 Gal./1779 L.
  • *Front Bumper Weight / For 470, 500, 540, 580, and 620 Quadtrac models / 1629 lbs.
  • *North American English

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