2020 Krone Comprima F 155 Baler/Round

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  • 2020 Krone Comprima F 155Features may include - Strong build â?? the heavy-duty balers for professional users and enduring applications - Versatile technology â?? fixed
  • semi-variable or variable bale chambers - Steady crop flow â?? the EasyFlow pick-up with helical tine rows - Sharp cuts â?? the XCut cutting system Comprima was developed by KRONE as a machine that delivers long-term and enduring operation in the most difficult conditions.The Comprima F 155 model produces 1.25-1.50 m diameter bales. Operators simply set the required diameter in 5 cm increments on an easy-to-use system. The machine combines many advantages of fi xed and variable bale chambers. For example
  • its uncluttered build makes it more cost-eff ective and easier to service and maintain than a variable chamber round baler. It produces bales of various diameters by building the pressure from outside and the bales have a very small and soft core at larger diameters and as a result are heavier in weight.After the net has been applied to the bale
  • the tailgate opens and the baler lifter transfers the bale onto the wrapping table. As the baler resumes baling
  • the wrapper starts wrappingThree components are key to this technology the tensioning arm
  • the suspension strut and the tensioning kinematics. The top tensioning arm is pulled down as the bale chamber is fi lling up. As it does so
  • it increases the available space inside the chamber and allows more material to enter. The path of the tensioning arm is limited by a pin that is set on the outside of the machine. This defi nes the diameter of the bale. The use of a suspension strut in combination with tensioning kinematics leads to maximum densities
  • both in the core and the outer layers.

Base Model Specifications

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Base model specifications of the 2020 Krone Comprima F 155 Baler/Round are provided for general information only.

These specifications represent the most common configurations for the Model DescriptionKrone Comprima F 155 in 2020. They may not describe Krone's original specifications nor do they describe the specific Comprima F 155 Baler/Round listed for sale here.

  • Tires - Std: 500/55-17
  • Bale Type: Round
  • Bale Tie - Std: Net Wrap
  • Bale Width in.: 48"
  • Max Bale Diameter in.: 60"
  • Pickup - Width: 84"
  • Weight - Lbs.: 7958

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